Saturday 6 August 2016

More Pokemon GO Hacks

        After the PokeVision Tracker closed down, there is another types of hack is emerging recently which allowing the trainers to spoof their GPS location and faking movements in Pokemon GO.

        Today, the Fly/Fake GPS presenting the features that allowing the trainer to control their movement by sitting, sleeping, eating in a room instead of going outside and walk around as what most other trainers do.

The Fly/Fake GPS provide:

1) Spoofing GPS location.

2) Joystick emulation ( Use for walking around using fingers, if you know what I     mean).

        Personally, I feel that this app have it pros and cons.

1) Allowing disabled trainer to catch their desired Pokemon despite on their
    difficulties of moving around.

2) Good if you are grounded and cannot get out from your house.

3) Decrease the incidences of accidents and other bad things that reported on
    media toward Pokemon GO recently.

4) You can play it for longer duration ( Hey, charging my phone while playing it )


1) The game lost it purposes on promoting the trainer to go outside and play
    instead of locking themselves in the room and breath in their own breath
    again and over again.

2) No more social gathering and meeting new people ( Single??? Forever Alone )

3) Hmm, I can't think of any extra Cons.

       As conclusion, I think it is okay to play cheat or hack sometimes but maybe do it moderately or else you may lose your interest toward the game later.

Tracker Apps is Down for Pokemon GO

Dear Readers,

        Since the last statement that has been announced by the CEO John Hanke statement, the famous Pokemon Tracker website tracker ( PokeVision ) has disabled their service for known by many trainers out there that ease them for tracking the pokemon that they are desired.

        The team's at PokeVision said they are temporarily disabled their service and waiting for the Niantic Company to give their responses on this. They said most of the news would be updated through their twitter.

        This isn't the only bad news for the Pokemon GO trainers out there, in the latest update ( 0.31.0 Version ). The developer has totally removed the tracking system for the pokemon which previously claimed to be bugged and most of the trainers out there thought that this is just a temporary bugs and will be fix in the future by the developer, but it happened oppositely.

         As conclusion, I think that this app ( Pokemon GO ) is still in Beta state and still have a lot of improvement can be made, I think we should just see what will happened in the future and keeping our fingers cross by hoping that this app will bring us total different level of gaming by improving the Augmented Reality features and other improvements.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Bad News for Pokemon Go User

        Since the Pokemon Go apps having the problem of not being able to detect "how far away you are from a pokemon", there are some developers created an online web-browser app to track where are the last pokemon seen in the map to ease those players that are frustrated and keep wondering on where to find their desired pokemon that they need to collect candies from in order to evolve them.

        However, today PC Mag announced that Niantic is not happy with the users that using this types of third-party apps and said that the person who created those third-party apps have against their terms of service.

        Niantic Labs CEO John Hanke when interviewed by Forbes said that he has no problem with the hacks like using fan or record turntable that fool the game into thinking that the user have make him/herself walk around in a long distance in order to hatch their pokemon eggs but he said that it killed the purpose and fun of the game that intentionally to provide health improvement among gamers or people nowadays.

        John Hanke also said that there will be emergence of new types of pokemon by the special events in the future.


1) PC_Mag

Saturday 23 July 2016

Pokemon Go Makes Easy with Online Pokemon Tracker

Have you ever feeling of walking around the same spot while looking for new types of pokemons and wondering where to find them? Giving up already?

Worry no more, now you can search your pokemon location or what pokemon is available around you just by using this

PokeVision using the Niantic (The company that create the Pokemon Go) API to enable the user to search and display their desired type of pokemon on the map in the real time. The pokemon will change automatically after several minutes after the pokemon cooldown is done. For now, they are offer to scan for every 30 seconds, maybe it is to decrease the server loads and to prevent spamming the search.This will benefits the user that aim to catch different pokemons but having trouble to find them before this.

There is one app-based tracker that is available for IOS, however for the android, it is still under development. You can check it out here.

So what are you waiting for? Go pack your backpack with rations and sleep bags or anything for the survivability items and go catch'em all!!!


